Cauliflower ear is a lumpy or puffy outer ear that does not go away.
Cauliflower ear is caused by injury. It may be caused by repeatedly being hit in the ear in sports such as boxing and rugby. It may also be caused by ongoing rubbing or pressure on the ear in sports such as wrestling. It may also be caused by child abuse.
The injuries can cause blood to collect between the skin and cartilage in the ear. Cartilage is the tough but flexible tissue that gives your child’s ear its shape. The skin can pull away from the cartilage. If your child’s ear is injured many times, scar tissue forms and can change the way the ear looks. The scar tissue can block blood supply and make the ear bumpy and pale, like a cauliflower.
Symptoms may include pain and swelling on and around the ear.
Your healthcare provider will ask about your child’s symptoms and medical history and examine your child.
If blood has collected between the skin and cartilage in your child’s ear, it may need to be drained by a healthcare provider as soon as possible. Your child’s provider will put a tight dressing on your child’s ear to help decrease swelling and keep fluid from building up again. He may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.
If scar tissue has already formed, your child may need plastic surgery on the ear to make it look normal.
Make sure that your child wears protective head gear in sports such as wrestling or boxing. If your child’s ear is injured, get prompt treatment to prevent cauliflower ear.