Prenatal care can reduce your baby’s risk for health problems. To have a healthy pregnancy and baby:
You should find a healthcare provider for your baby about 3 months before your expected delivery date.
If you belong to a health plan, check the plan's list of primary care providers. You can also ask for referrals from friends, coworkers, or pharmacists. Local medical societies usually have a referral service and will give you names of healthcare providers in your area.
Set up an interview to meet the healthcare provider. Make sure that your baby's healthcare provider is someone that you feel comfortable with.
All care providers should be concerned with physical, emotional, and social health issues of children from birth through the teen years.
A pediatrician is a doctor that provides care to infants and children. A family practice doctor sees both children and adults. Some nurse practitioners and physician assistants also provide health care for children.
Choosing the right healthcare provider gives you peace of mind. As a parent, you should feel comfortable asking any questions that you have. Ask your baby’s healthcare provider about breast-feeding, parenting, and any other questions that you have.
Your baby's healthcare provider can tell you what to expect at different ages. While some behavior and growth milestones tend to happen at certain ages, a wide range for each age is normal. It is okay if your baby reaches some milestones earlier and others later than the average. If you have any concerns about your child's development, you can always check with your baby's healthcare provider.
Many diseases can be prevented by vaccination. Vaccines are given at different ages to protect your child when the risk is greatest. Talk to your healthcare provider for more information about vaccines.
You should also feel sure that your baby will receive good care.